Ingress Service

There are many ways to configure the Ingress service, and you can choose the method that suits your habits. Here, we are using Ngrok only as an example to demonstrate the process of configuring the Ingress service.

Get Ngrok Authtoken

  1. Create an account on Ngrok.

  2. Go to your dashboard and get your "Authtoken"

Install Ngrok on your SSH Instance

See how to install Ngrok on your SSH Instance here.

Here is an example of one installation method: (Please use your "Authtoken" when run the "ngrok config add-authtoken" command)

sudo tar -xvzf ~/Downloads/ -C /usr/local/bin
ngrok config add-authtoken 2356xxxxx

Check Ingress Service Usage

You can use the screen command to start the Ngrok proxy and keep the process running in the background.

(base) xxxxxx@xxxxxxxxx 2024-01-28 % scree -S proxy
Restored session: Wed Jan 31 18:59:01 CST 2024
(base) xxxxxx@xxxxxxxxx 2024-01-28 % ngrok http 8080

You can access your 8080 service in SSH instance by visiting

You can use "ctrl+a+d" to detach the screen session.

You can also use the "screen -r proxy" command to go back to the session that starts Ngrok.

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